The Not So Super Burrito

Well, it happened again. I got screwed on my takeout order and didn’t notice, of course, until I got all the way home. I feel what seems to be lost on the average restaurant worker is the fact that if somebody is placing a to-go order on a Tuesday night, it’s not because they have an abundance of time or energy to deal with dinner. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

So when I placed my super burrito order, the idea was to feed the family in an expedited fashion and then simply throw all the containers away, leaving me an almost effortless clean kitchen so I can continue with my unfinished workload. Instead, I’m trudging back to the restaurant to get the burrito that was left out of the bag and make my way home for the second time.

There should be some sort of a punch card system for this. Every time a restaurant sends out the order incorrectly, we get a punch on our card. Once it’s filled, our next meal is complimentary. A little incentive to get it right the first time around.